Friday, 13 April 2012

titanic history

Titanic sinking sends ripples through Oregon history 100 years later ...

Imagine how glued to the copy newspaper readers must have been on April 27, 1912, when the Morning Oregonian, as it was called, published survivor Anna Warren's account, as told to a family member and excerpted here.

Historical Tapestry: Today in Titanic History - April 14, 1912

Today in Titanic History - April 14, 1912. The Titanic has been warned throughout the day, and the days before, that there is icebergs ahead, but many of the warnings were ignored or never even made it to the bridge.


There are moments .... in the passage of world history.... that resonate with the global community.... and are tucked away -- like your wedding photos.... to be brought out from time to time.... dusted off and shared.... and then ...

Five Titanic Myths Spread by Films by Rosie Waites

The re-release of James Cameron's 1997 blockbuster in 3D is a reminder that many people's knowledge of the events of 14 April 1912 comes not from historical fact, but the silver screen. 'Unsinkable'. In Cameron's Titanic, the ...

Historical Tapestry: Today in Titanic History - April 11, 1912

Looking for some HF recommendations with a particular setting or era? Send us an email to historical.tapestry @ and we will give you our recommendations and ask our readers for theirs as well. Guaranteed to ...

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