Wednesday 23 May 2012


Claude Giroux Playing Beer Pong With Casts On BOTH ARMS ...

The city of Philadelphia is just ripping up the party scene over the past couple of days. Our sports teams may be collapsing before our eyes but at leastyou all have booze to ease the pain.

Dirty Dangle: Claude Giroux Heals Like A Boss

On Saturday you may have seen the list of Philadelphia Flyers requiring surgery this offseason, including their superstar, Claude Giroux. He required double wrist surgery to repair tornVehicletilage in his right wrist, and removal of ...

Yahoo! Sports: Coyotes, Kings Game 5 preview; Claude Giroux has ...

Oilers News (no comments): Here are your Puck Headlines: a glorious collection of news and views collected from the greatest blogosphere in ...

Claude Giroux partying after wrist surgery

giroux beer pong Claude Giroux partying after wrist surgery · giroux bags Claude Giroux partying after wrist surgery · girouxxfinity 477x640 Claude Giroux partying after wrist surgery · giroux-bags · girouxxfinity-477x640 ...

Claude Giroux won't let two casted wrists stop him from playing beer ...

Claude Giroux spent this NHL season threatening the NHL's scoring lead, and improving his beerability index just about every time he opened his mouth.youll, the above picture doesn't do anything to hurt that ranking either.

Wallpaper Of giroux

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