Sunday, 1 April 2012

april fools

The Internet Has Killed April Fools' | TechCrunch

And this brings me to my point; The Internet has killed April Fools'. Back in the day you used to be able to tell your friends you were engaged, pregnant or had Cancer without them gushing all over your Facebook page or ...

The April Fools Day Asteroid Was No Joke

Be happy. You have survived another close call with asteroid destruction: the April Fools Day asteroid—technically called 2012 EG5—passed today at half the distance between the Earth and the Moon: 143000 miles.

Mitt Romney April Fools' Day Joke: Staff Pulls Prank On GOP ...

MILWAUKEE -- Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney may have forgotten that Sunday was April Fools' Day. His staff did not.

Romney Target of April Fool's Joke -

Romney and his surrogates play to an empty room, all in good fun.

Happy April Fools' Day!!

Happy April Fools' Day!! Posted: 04/ 1/2012 3:45 pm Updated: 04/ 1/2012 6:36 pm. reddit stumble · Share on Google+. Get San Francisco Alerts: Sign Up. React: Amazing Inspiring Funny Scary Hot Crazy Important Weird. Follow: ...

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