Thursday 29 March 2012


Maddow: People hate Obamacare, but love its provisions | The Raw ...

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said Wednesday night that although polls have found that most Americans have an unfavorable view of Obama's health care reform, they overwhelming approve of the actual provisions of the law ...

The post-apocalyptic future of Obamacare? | RedState

So I watched this clip of James Carville furiously spinning the suddenly-more-plausible possibility of Obamacare going down utterly in flames as being the most.

PJ Media » The ObamaCare Argument â€" The Third and Final Day

The government's constitutional justification for ObamaCare was extremely weak. In fact, it was without precedent. Even under the expansive view of the Commerce Clause taken by the Supreme Court over the last 70 years, ...

Seven of Obamacare's Biggest Failures from the Last Two Years

Obamacare is already proving ineffective in some cases and harmful in others.

RealClearPolitics - Why ObamaCare Supporters Are Getting Nervous

For supporters of the two-year-old health reform law, Tuesday's Supreme Court hearing was supd to be the day that the grownups took over. After the Affordable Care Act had been demonized and misconstrued and ...

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