Judge OKs Death Penalty Trial In Officer's Death CBS Baltimore
An Anne Arundel County judge has ruled that the trial of a prisoner charged with killing a correctional officer will remain a death-penalty case.
NewsDaily Execution exs divide over death penalty
Controversy over the execution in Georgia of a convicted murderer whose supporters say may be innocent has exd a continuing divide in the United States over the death penalty.
Why death penalty supporters should be campaigning for Troy Davis ...
caption id"attachment_100106224" align"alignnone" width"460" caption"Troy Davis who will be executed later today for a murder he may well not have committed"]...
Washington Post Death penalty pro-life? - Beliefnet News
It is often pointed out contrary to what most people expect that there is a positive correlation between being pro-life and supporting the death penalty writes Dr. Richard Land in the Washington Post's On Faith section. ...
We Killed Somebody Today Why the Death Penalty Sucks ...
Folks the State of Georgia is hours away (7PM EST) from killing someone who is likely innocent. But beyond that injustice killing people to try to teach.
Troy Davis Supporters Turn to Social Media as Execution Looms
Take a look at this and see if there is any kind of justice in Capital punishment http//pop4change.blogspot.com/2011/08/justice-and-capital-punishment.html. Georgia has made this man spend half of his life in jail for no good ...