Thursday 6 October 2011

steve jobs and bill gates

Bill Gates Remembers Steve Jobs - Ina Fried - News - AllThingsD
In a statement Gates called getting to work with Jobs an "insanely great honor" and discusses the profound impact Jobs has had on the world.

Steve Jobs' Death Bill Gates Issues Statement WebProNews
Call them rivals dual visionaries or whatever you want - there's no doubt that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are both titans of the tech field. With Jobs'

Bill Gates on death of Steve Jobs 'I will miss Steve immensely' The ...
Bill Gates on death of Steve Jobs 'I will miss Steve immensely' ... Microsoft co-founder and Chairman Bill Gates released the following statement on Wednesday's death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs who was 56 I'm truly ...

Bill Gates Working with Steve Jobs an 'insanely great honor ...
Bill Gates the co-founder of Microsoft weighed in on the death of Steve Jobs on Wednesday posting a statement on his personal website the Gates Notes. I'm truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs' death. Melinda and I ...

Bill Gates Steve Jobs' impact will last for generations The Raw Story
SAN FRANCISCO Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has had an impact on the world which will last for generations Microsoft boss Bill Gates said adding that it had been an insanely great honor to know him. Steve and I first ...

Bill Gates Sergey Brin the President of the United States and ...
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates long regarded as Steve Jobs' foil in the early years of personal computing has issued a statement in the wake of Jobs' death earlier today. I'm truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs' death. ...

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