Tuesday 11 October 2011


First Read - Perry campaign Romney repudiation demand a ...
Perry's campaign responded in a statement by challenging Romney to "repudiate government-mandated health care as crafted in Romneycare" the health care law Romney had authorized as governor. The email sets the ...

Perry Refused to Repudiate Pastor
Perry announced his decision through a spokesman after Mitt Romney called on Perry to repudiate Rev. Robert Jeffress who said Romney was not really a Christian. Howard Kurtz "Will the press keep pounding away at this ...

Romney calls on Perry to 'repudiate' extremist pastor The Raw Story
Romney calls on Perry to 'repudiate' extremist pastor ... Perry to repudiate the sentiment and the remarks made by that pastor. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) who was on hand at the news conference to announce his ...

Mitt Romney Calls On Rick Perry To 'Repudiate' Anti-Mormon Pastor ...
During a Q&A following Chris Christie's endorsement Mitt Romney and the New Jersey Governor fielded a question about Rick Perry's anti-Mormon supporter Robert Jeffress. I think that any campaign thatociates itself ...

Romney calls on Perry to "repudiate" anti-Mormon remarks. Perry ...
Mitt Romney called on Rick Perry today "to repudiate" the anti-Mormon remarks of Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress whose endorsement of Perry last week at the Values Voters Summit caused a firestorm. The pastor told ...

Romney calls on Perry to repudiate pastor
Rick Perry to repudiate comments about Mormonism made by Rev. Robert Jeffress escalating an intraparty squabble hours before the candidates were to meet at a GOP debate. Taking press questions for the first time since ...

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