Friday 23 September 2011

chris christie

Run Chris Christie Run Tammy Bruce
So just as we're experiencing with Rick Perry Americans can find out for themselves just exactly how unpresidential and not quite ready Chris Christie is. After all arrogant blowhard bullying only goes so far. I've been noting ...

Has Gov Chris Christie changed his mind ? Is he running for ...
Now this could be a stunner..Governor Chris Christie? Is it possible he is changing his mind about running for President in 2012? Right now he seems to be the darling [...]

Weasel Zippers Blog Archive Report Chris Christie Having ...
Chris Christie is reconsidering his decision not to enter the 2012 presidential race and he says he will let top Republican donors know within days about his plans Newsmax has learned. During the past few weeks several ...

As Perry implodes GOP Heavyweight Chris Christie looks to jump ...
Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run Will Decide in Days ... Christie suggested to an audience at New Jersey's Rider University that the current GOP candidates are not answering the public's appetite for real leaders. ...

Pundit Press Here's Hoping Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 ...
Chris Christie is reconsidering his decision not to enter the 2012 presidential race and he says he will let top Republican donors know within days about his plans Newsmax has learned. During the past few weeks several ...

Jersey 'Sure' Chris Christie Should Run - Changing Channels
I like Rick Perry I'm OK with Mitt Romney both especially in comparison with our leaders today but no one would electrify the race like Chris Christie. He is Ronald Reagan with a dose of Jersey toughness we need ...

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